Friday, July 4, 2008

FlashCanvas: 3 years too late?

So I guess I'm 3 years late to the canvas-emulation party:

  1. Manish Jethani mentions something about the canvas tag being used for a 3D game, John Dowdell from adobe responds in Nov. 2005

  2. Manish Jethani suggests a way to do a SWF-based Canvas on Dec 1st, 2005

  3. iecanvas from Emil A Eklund released December, 2005 (uses VML)

  4. excanvas from Google released March, 2006 (uses VML)

  5. AFLAX adds canvas emulation in March 2006

Overall, interest in this area seems to have died off - only recently with things like Processing.js and ContextFree.js has there been a renewed interested in backwards compatibility for the canvas tag.

side note: AFLAX uses the ExternalInterface just like FlashCanvas, so the performance observations would apply to AFLAX as well.