And now for something completely different...
ScatterBrain v1.0
Back in January I set out to create my own clone of a piece of software I thought was cool (a recurring theme I have). I call it ScatterBrain and it's a clone of the todo-list editor TaskPaper. Yes, I can hear the groans now, another todo-list program, yay!
It hasn't been in testing mode and it hasn't been in development mode either, it's just been sitting gathering dust for the past 4 months -- which is a waste. So I'm releasing it for free and without any sort of guarantee that it won't randomly crash or do anything else crazy.
ScatterBrain v1.0 - OS X Leopard Only
If you do use it I'd love to hear from you @: grant -at- gxjones.com (Just know I cannot support this software unless I start charging for it. And if that's the case I recommend you go with the real thing: TaskPaper)
The Format:
It handles the typical taskpaper plaintext format:
- task
it also adds a group line which is identified by a '+' character and a section line which is identified by a '#':
#Some Section
+ A group
Clicking on the circle to the left of a task will mark is as "@done" as well as adding a @date tag with the current date.
Geeky details
Finally, if you absolutely need to change the color-scheme you can do it via tags within your text (I know that's uber geeky and not user friendly). Adding this to your ScatterBrain file results in project headers being black:
For reference, this is the default presentation context used:
Development Status
I'd go back to it if there is interest. There were two killer features I was working on when I stopped development.
Known issues:
- large files will be fully reparsed and be very slow (so stick to smaller files); this was something I really wanted to address but never got around to it
- sometimes the formatting isn't updated
- formatting the background lags sometimes
- probably some memory leaks in there for good measure
- zero documentation - might be an issue for some people